Thursday, January 17, 2019

Lego Wars Craft

Welcome to LEGO wars craft 1.0 or beata these images and links are use for minecraft P.E to use them you tap on the links or hold your finger on the selected skin until it pops up saying save image hope you enjoy 😉

A responsible and well trained ninja that has swore to protect the LEGO dimension from evil as him being a lego man he has seen some of the worst things the LEGO dimension has ever seen but with the help of his brother jamesen king of the realm they have stopped evil many times 

A loyal a trusted friend to all that are LEGO or not jamesen has had many adventures in his time and he has learned that being the king means that the people of the lego dimension will forever be grateful that they have a king like him as he continues to make more friends and a stronger army.

The gold sword is Jamesen’s choice of weapon it is indeed made of pure enchanted gold which means it is nearly impossible to brake it also has a beam of fire spreading up from the middle as this allows jamesen to set his enemy on fire          
The Tartanium sword is Jayden’s choice of weapon as it is lightweight and quick attacking speed but much like Jamesen’s choice of weapon it can also set enemies on fire.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Monday, August 14, 2017

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

welcome to scratch

scratch is the new coding game that i have been working on here are some games happy birthday to year old cat.  dance show.   wild west  dance show 2  2 player race and the flying taco if you're having trouble then just search just search my name golden_block

Friday, March 10, 2017


ahh neopets a game of wonder and excitement but 1 you must ask your parents 2 it does not work on an ipad. so just follow these two rules and you will be a-okay and remember keep on gaming🎮